Donna Marie’s retreat work has earned her a special place in the storytelling world. Authentic, playful, challenging, loving, and truth-filled weekends with her are a special treat. She’s spent years digging deep into and writing about her own “stuff,” is a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, and brings a visionary creative spirit to her retreat leadership. She designs retreats that match your goals and schedule. She works with your leadership team to develop a schedule and programming that creates comfort and community while bringing enlightening self-discovery. She provides an enlivening weekend of entertainment, music, laughter and playfulness, thought-provoking and interactive keynoting, individual and small-group process, and authentic, deep community building.
“Thank you for the fabulous weekend. I loved everything about it. Your work is a gift to the universe and all of us who where there for the weekend!”
Patricia L Borza, Christmount Women’s Discovery Weekend
“The event she created for us was such a phenomenal success that we invited her to lead the retreat again the following year… She provided such a complete program of music, entertainment, reflection, and spiritual exercises that it allowed me to participate along with my group and not be concerned about any of the logistics. She went above and beyond what we hoped to receive from her, and I would highly recommend her to any organization!”
Rev. Cynthia Park, PhD, Grace Episcopal Church, Gainesville, Georgia
NAVIGATING LOSS – Day-Long Retreat for Grievers
As a widow and Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, Donna Marie understands the life-changing impact that grief has on our bodies, minds, and souls. This day-long retreat was created for widows, widowers, those who have lost children or parents, care-givers, and those who have received life-changing medical diagnosis. In a fun, laughter and tear-filled day, they claim their stories, learn proven techniques for releasing stress, discover new ways to care for themselves, and find authentic community created from deep sharing and loving acceptance. These events are sponsored by medical practices, hospices, churches, and community groups.
“If I had to describe her retreat in one word, it would be POWERFUL. I would strongly recommend other hospice agencies to bring her retreat to their community to give grievers a voice, a chance to make connections, to learn self-care, and to make plans and have hope for the future.”
Jennifer Cox, Bereavement Coordinator, UPMC Altoona Hospice
2019 navigating loss sponsorship