Here’s What to Expect
As a professional writer for over 35 years, Donna Marie wants you to know that the power of storytelling will bring enlivening possibilities to your event, retreat, conference, or school.
As a teaching artist, Donna Marie’s love of creative process and knowledge of professional writing and performing fuels her workshops, conference presentations, and grant-funded residencies for elementary and middle school students.
“She levels the playing field to allow all students, regardless of their abilities, to rise to their highest level of creative thought.”
Jim Griffin
As a conference speaker and retreat leader, she creates an authentic and real connection with her listeners. Her reflective study and gentle way of speaking helps participants connect with the deepest parts of themselves so they receive the deep encouragement and inspiration they long for.
“Your weekend with us was so well-received. People have already been talking about having you return.”
Patricia Lind, Carol Stream, Il.
As a workshop leader, her programs provide participants with powerful personal insights, real artistic growth and positive feedback. Her leadership style enables a deeply connected community to form.
“Thank you for the fabulous weekend. I loved everything about it. Your work is a gift to the universe and all of us who where there for the weekend!”
Patricia L Borza, Christmount Women’s Discovery Weekend